vlagNO vlagNL
       C a m p g r o u n d         C a b i n s         S u m m e r         W i n t e r         I n f o         P r i c e s         D o n k e y  w a l k       


Our quiet camp­ground is lo­ca­ted in the moun­tains be­tween Val­dres and Halling­dal. The camp­ground is easy to access from the main road Rv 51, it’s just 500 me­ters dirt road un­til you arrive the quiet camp­ground sur­roun­ded by beauti­ful na­tu­re.
Tubbe­haugen Cam­ping open­ed for camp­ers in 1954, and has sin­ce had a long tra­dition of camp­ers en­joy­ing the beauti­ful sur­roun­dings.
Tubbe­haugen Camp­ing has 30 slots for tents, cara­vans, and RVs. They all have access to elec­tricity, and free Wi­Fi. There’s also cozy cottages with 4 beds and a kit­chen. Per­fect for the wint­er sea­son.

On the campsite, there is two sanitary buildings, as well as we have a washer and dryer. In one of the sanitary building you can enjoy our kitchen/common room(closed during the winter), and borrow books and board games. 300 meters from the campsite is our own pond. Here you can swim, fish, or use the rowboat, pedal-boat, kayak, and sup board. We also have a fireplace with a roof and seats, and firepans spread around the campsite for your enjoymen .

From Tubbe­haugen Camping you have access to a lot of diffe­rent activi­ties. Hiking, biking, moun­tain biking, fishing, geo­catching, paddling, cross-country skiing and skiing are just some off the activi­ties!

Look un­der “Sum­mer” and “Win­ter” for more informat­ion about the diffe­rent activi­ties!


Maaike and Jan